Presenting the official trailer of Upcoming Punjabi movie “Dakuaan Da Munda” based on the real story of Mintu Gurusaria’s life, Directed by Mandeep Benipal and produced by Ravneet Kaur Chahal & Rajesh Kumar Arora music only on White Hill Music. The movie is scheduled to release on 10th Aug 2018 under the banner of Dreamreality Movies & Ravneet Chahal. Don’t forget to Hit like, comment & share if you like this trailer.
Releasing Worldwide on 10th August
Movie Credits : Movie Title : Dakuaan Da Munda
Directed By : Mandeep Benipal
Producers : Ravneet Kaur Chahal & Rajesh Kumar Arora
Executive Producer : Rajinder Raja
Starring : Dev Kharoud, Pooja Verma, Jagjeet Sandhu, Lucky Dhaliwal, Sukhdeep Sukh, Anita Meet, Hardeep Gill & Kuljinder Sidhu
Story : Mintu Gurusaria