G-G0GL5SH20Xmovie review eh janam tumhare lekhe | Punjabup films

Movie Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe:Punjabi cinema in sifting process, the good from the bad

Punjabi cinema is moving towards the sifting process, the good from the bad. And finally, we…

Distinct Reviews Of Punjabi Movie Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe By Green ThinkerZ

“EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE” is really an ultimate movie. Its’ regarding selfless service of a bhagat…

Movie Review Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe – a film on Bhagat Puran Singh

Punjabi moive “Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe” was released today (January 30, 2015). A film by Harjit…