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PK Film triggers controversy for hurting Sikh sentiments

Chandigarh 20 Dec 2014 : “PK” is latest movie from director Rajkumar Hirani. It’s being screened worldwide on 4844 screens. Starring Amir Khan, ‘PK’ is getting massive response from viewers. Most of the movie reviewers have recommend PK as a ‘mustwatch’.

But a short note wrote two Sikh individuals named Jatinderpal Singh and Jaswinder Singh maintains that “PK shows Sikhs in bad light”.

The article posted posted at “Daily Sikh Updates”, an online news portal, says “Film PK shows Sikhs in Bad Light” as it hurts “Sikh sentiments”.

The short-article is being republished as follows for the information of readers/ visitors of the PunjabUpFilms.Com:


Note: The following is a joint perception of 2 individuals who’ve seen the film. Each person should view the film and judge for themselves.

Op Ed by: Jatinderpal Singh and Jaswinder Singh

Watched Aamir Khan’s “PK the movie” today, After watching the movie I was hurt on many instances in the movie. It has shown disgrace on all religions but I will talk about Sikhism. Some of the noted points were:

1. They have shown an Old Sikh men begging for money by telling a lie to feed dinner for his wife in Hotel Lalit (five star) on their Marrige anniversary, though he asked for money in a style to return it back because he was short of money at that time, but this step was taken to disgrace Sikh community which was merely found begging. The image portrayted in this scene clearly shows a Sikh in bad light in the form of a petty beggar.

2. They have shown one sikh person with open hairs as Hindu Pandit (in this scene all religion people changes their dress, hindu became sikh, chiristian became Muslim) but it had put in disgrace to our kesh. A Sikh doesn’t walk around with open Kesh, even though it’s a film religious articles should be respected

3. In another scene sequel to point 2 above, they have deturbaned hindu who was in Sikhi saroop and said all are equal, they said sikh “se pagdi utar gai ban gae muslim, dhadi utar gai ban gae hindu, sab barabar hai)” they have shown disgrace to turban.

This is the Point Which surpassed anything I had ever seen which beyond hurt my sentiments

4. In another scene, a Sikh student boy in patka going to give exam bow his body (pura let ke ek pathar ke aage matha tekta).

Disgracing principles of sikhi- sikh murtipujan nai karde. In this particular scene here’s what happens: Amir Khan spits on a random rock and puts down a few coins of money and he says watch how my investment will more then double in 15 minutes. Immediately following this, A Sikh boy is shown laying down and does matha tek to this random rock with spit from Aamir Khan’s mouth. It was the height of embarrassment for me as a Sikh watching this because Sikhs don’t believe in such things. The shocking thing is that Hindu students who believe in idol worship were shown just folding their hands in front of the stone while the Sikh child was shown laying down completely and then hands folded in front of this stone like a total idiot.

Sikhs don’t pray to idols or statues of any kind and so showing a Sikh boy laying down to and doing matha tek to a rock with split is beyond hurting Sikh religious sentiments.

The above points are ones perception, one might view the film as a Bollywood Flick where anything is possible and ignore these things, but as a Sikh we need to preserve our identity. Sikhs are over protective and don’t tolerate such things because if they show such things now in future they’ll exceed their limits. The degradation occurs when film makers start to portray religious faiths in negative light. We in the Sikh faith have cherished our articles throughout history and we as a Sikh can’t watch degradation occur in front of our eyes especially our Kesh and core beliefs.

Source: Daily Sikh Updates