G-G0GL5SH20XPunjabi Singer Ranjit Bawa Supports Bhai Gurbaksh Singh | Video | Punjabup films

Punjabi Singer Ranjit Bawa Supports Bhai Gurbaksh Singh || Video

Punjabi Singer Ranjit Bawa become one of the few singers to visit Bhai Gurbaksh at the Lakhnaur Sahib Morcha.The singer became very popular after his song titled “Jatt Di Akal” which received a lot of praise.It is notable that various Punjabi singers had visited Gurdwara Amb Sahib last year when Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khasla was observing hunger strike on this issue.

After Harbhajan Mann visited Bhai Gurbaksh overthe weekend, he has now caused other singers to pay Bhai Sahib a visit. The Singhs at the morcha were alldelighted to see Ranjit Bawa.