G-G0GL5SH20XWorkshop on “Sustainable Mobile Usage” by Green ThinkerZ at H.P | Punjabup films

Workshop on “Sustainable Mobile Usage” by Green ThinkerZ at H.P

Workshop on “Sustainable Mobile Usage” at Govt. Sen. Sec. School, Harabag, District Mandi, Himachal Pardesh, India was organized on 11 August 2014. Er. Sakshi Sharma, Propaganda Secretary, Green ThinkerZ was the Resource Person for the above said workshop. 100+ school students took part in the workshop.
The prime objective of the workshop was to aware the students about the effects of harmful mobile radiations so that they can use mobile phones in sustainable manner. Philosophy of Green ThinkerZ was very well received by the students during the workshop. They were encouraged by Er. Sakshi Sharma to clear their doubts regarding the mobile phone radiations and their rational usage to avoid long term side effects.
Sustainable Mobile Usage


Green ThinkerZ

