August 20, 2017:As I watched The Black Prince movie, I realized that it was not a mainstream stereotypical movie with the emotional hypes, action, drama or suspense but this movie has a direct access to your inner self.
I could not sleep that night as a multitude of questions agitated my mind. To me, it was not just a movie, it was an eye-opening, visceral experience and a living truth which would forever remain with me. It was not just about a Prince being denied his kingdom, but is about every Sikh who feels bounded and without a kingdom.The movie is a medium for Sikhs to reach out to their inner selves and question everything they have been told and made to believe about their history.

Maharani Jinda symbolizes the mother, the Panth. She is betrayed and plundered, oppressed and blemished, forgotten and misinterpreted. But braving all odds and misfortunes, she is ever strong and true to the core. She waits for her progeny; prays for and guides it to the Guru and the Panth.
Maharaja Duleep Singh who has lost his roots and forgotten his rightful conduct in all times. The powerful and dominant narratives torment him. Without the Guru’s touch, he is in a permanent predicament. He has flashbacks of his real self and past and is on a ceaseless march of finding his roots and interpreting his position.
The Panth and mother beckons him and even goads him to his destiny. But now the prophecy of the Guru is his firm resort and he moves on as for Sikhs, it is not only the end that matters but the means are equally important.
It is a tragedy to “be late in history” but it will always remain true that “it is never too late to start anew”. So, it is time to reset our maps and start anew with vigour and be true to every moment of existence.
By Dalsher Singh :* Dalsher Singh is a class XII student from Patiala, Punjab.