G-G0GL5SH20XGreen thinkerZ | Punjabup films

Punjab Frame & Green ThinkerZ Released Short Film “Satkaar”

Short Film "Satkaar" - An Initiative by Green ThinkerZ and Punjab Frame to showcase the importance…

Valentine’s Day Celebration by Green ThinkerZ

:Team of Green ThinkerZ celebrated Valentine's Day in its own way by planting Roses at Pingalwara,…

Collaboration of Green ThinkerZ with Support A Child and Bhumi

Green ThinkerZ in association with Support A Child and Bhumi organized awareness program at SGGS College,…

Distinct Reviews Of Punjabi Movie Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe By Green ThinkerZ

“EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE” is really an ultimate movie. Its’ regarding selfless service of a bhagat…


She is a daughter, a sister, a mother, and every individual knows the place of a…

Project Humanity Towards Roadsiders by Green ThinkerZ

Mohali 16 Jan 2015 :Green ThinkerZ Society has launched a serving campaign for road siders on 15th…

Happy Green New Year 2015 by Green ThinkerZ Society

Green ThinkerZ Society, India; has decided to continue its "Environmental Sustainability"awareness program in 2015 by initiating…

Movie Review: “Uncommon Courage of The Kaur” by Green ThinkerZ

The movie is about the courage of a girl “A KAUR”. In the first part of…

Avail Membership of Green ThinkerZ Society

In order to become a member of Green ThinkerZ Society, You have to mail us the…

The Team of Green ThinkerZ Society Visited Pingalwara

The team of Green ThinkerZ Society visited Pingalwara Chandigarh Palsora Branch on 29 August 2014. Members…

Green ThinkerZ Society organized Seminar on Sustainable Mobile Usage

A one day educational seminar was organized on “Sustainable Mobile Usage” by Green ThinkerZ Society in…

Workshop on “Sustainable Mobile Usage” by Green ThinkerZ at H.P

Workshop on "Sustainable Mobile Usage" at Govt. Sen. Sec. School, Harabag, District Mandi, Himachal Pardesh, India…