G-G0GL5SH20XStudents-Police clash in Punjabi University Patiala | Punjabup films

Students-Police clash in Punjabi University Patiala

Patiala, November 20, 2014 : Punjab: A demonstration staged by certain students’ organizations against hike in fees turned to be a battle-ground between students and the police force at Punjabi University Patiala. Some  students’ bodies were holding a demonstration at main gate of Punjabi University in Patiala.


Protesters had locked the main gate and were demanding roll back of hike in university fees announced by the University administration. Though the University has it’s own security the police tried to intervene in the matter. Activist of a students body had reportedly climbed over the gate (about 2 and a half feet in height). As the police dragged the activist down from the gate he kicked some police personal. In this intense scuffle a higher police officer was also hit and his turban went off.

The police then resorted to lathi-charge on students as a result the students dispersed. But the students gathered soon after the news of lathi-charge spread in the campus. Students then resorted to stone pelting.

An intense clash between the students and the police lasted for about an hour and certain students, police personnel and university security staff sustained minor injuries in the clash.Police intervention had created the situation of clash. “When the university has it’s own security staff, why the police was called to the campus?” asked an angry student.

Visitors, including private candidates and distance education students, faced harassment on the last day of filing of examination forms. “It was last day to submit the examination forms but I could not submit my forms due to trouble”, a visitor told SSN.

The situation was reportedly tense at the University campus and students were continuing to hold their dharna at University gate.