G-G0GL5SH20XSikhs demanding ban on Nanak Shah Fakir Movie through Online Petition in Australian | Punjabup films

Sikhs demanding ban on Nanak Shah Fakir Movie through Online Petition in Australian

Australia,Melbourne 23 March 2015: An online petition posted on Change.org by a user named SinghStation.net (from Melbourne, Australia) demands ban on upcoming movie Nank Shah Fakir for depicting Guru Nanak Dev Ji and His family.

The petition urges Australian Censor Board Director to ban the screening of Nanak Shah Fakir in Australia. The petition reads as follows:-

Petitioning Australian Censor Board Director

BAN upcoming Movie ‘Nanak Shah Fakir’ depicting Guru Nanak Dev ji and His Mahal?

SinghStation .Net | Melbourne, Australia

This is really important as Sikh Gurus are not limited to just being humans.

Such movies will just be opening the door to people to draw our Guru in different forms that could affect His status in the hearts of his people.

While no one knows Guru Sahib’s (God) true appearance, the film-makers these days seek to emulate him as closely as possible – including in what they believe to be his physical features and dress with long beard contending that was Guru Sahib’s (God’s) manner.

For Sikh community, it is not bearable at all that even Guru Nanak Dev ji’s wife or parents be acted upon by any human characters as is happening in this movie. Sikh community wont accept any humans playing the characters of Mata Sulakhni ji (wife of Founder of Sikh religion Guru Nanak Dev Ji) and Bebe Nanki ji (SIster of Guru Nanak Dev ji).

The film is scheduled to be released on April 17th.

The movie has already been boycotted by many Sikh groups in India and We urge the Australian Censor board to ban this movie as well unless the film makers remove the human characters playing the role of Mata Tripta ji, Bebe Nanaki ji and Mata Sulakhni ji in the movie.

Petition url:  https://www.change.org/p/ban-upcoming-movie-nanak-shah-fakir-depicting-guru-nanak-dev-ji-and-his-mahal