New York, USA: The SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival has announced the theme for this year’s festival as: “Sikhs – Agents of Change”. A press release by the SikhNet says: [w]ith this theme, SikhNet hopes that young Sikh film-makers will create original films exploring how putting Sikh values and practices into action locally can positively impact and heal the world as a whole.
Film-makers can focus on the universal teachings of the Sikh Masters, including: Vandh Chakna (Sharing); Kirat Karna (Hard Work); Naam Japna (Chanting); Seva (Selfless Service); Simran (Spiritual Reflection) and Sarbat Da Bhalla (Good Will To All).
Other examples for movie ideas include: highlighting specific Sikh figures, historical or modern, who created change through their example. Highlighting environmental issues and how Sikhs can help heal the planet, and telling stories about Sikh values in action.
Documentaries, dramas and animation are all welcome.

Previous winners of the SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival have gone on to create careers for themselves in media and film. These winners include well-known Sikh film-maker Satdeep Singh, reads the release.
Additionally, a grassroots movement in India has developed over the years in response to the SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival. Sikh groups select their favorite films from the festival and organize community events that feature the films. Films are shown in colleges, at Gurdwaras, in city theaters, and even in small villages.
This year, the film festival will award prizes based on three categories: Junior (11-17), Intermediate (18-28) and Senior (29 and above).
The first place winner of the Junior category will receive a cash prize of $500.
There will be three $1000 prizes for the best three movies in the Intermediate division.
The Senior category (ages 29 and above) will not receive a cash prize but will receive recognition for the best film.
This year’s winners will be selected by a panel of expert judges. However, viewers will have a chance to cast their vote for their favorite films in the Intermediate division. While the popular vote will not determine the winners of the film festival, they will be a factor in the judge’s final decisions.
SikhNet considers every film submitted a winner in its own unique way.
The deadline for submissions to the film festival is August 31, 2015. Sikh youth can submit their films at:
The SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival began in 2006.
According to SikhNet Webmaster, Gurumustuk Singh, “Tapping into the creativity of Sikh youth worldwide has been one of SikhNet’s primary goals. In 2006, when we initiated the online film festival, we could not envision what beautiful films we would receive. Nor could we have imagined the groundswell of support from the Sikh community worldwide.”
This is the 10th year that has hosted its annual film competition. During this time, the SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival has become one of the premier online events for the world-wide Sikh community.