America: The new films go LIVE on Tuesday, September 15th! Make a movie night of it. You may have heard of the SikhNet Youth Online film festival. You may even have watched a few films, but have you ever sat down and watched every film submitted? It’s quite an experience! Listen to the story of Rupi Kaur and Kiran Rai Kaur. It wasn’t until they made their own film that they sat down and watched all the others. Listen to their experience. But, you don’t have to be a director to watch all the other films though. Be inspired!

September 15th – The new films go live
Oct 1st – The last day to LIKE your favorite films
Oct 2nd – 2015 prize winners announced
Intermediate – $1,000 prize.
Intermediate – $1,000 prize.
Intermediate – $1,000 prize.
Junior – Best film – $500