G-G0GL5SH20XSikhLens Film festival all set to go on August 23. | Punjabup films

SikhLens Film festival all set to go on August 23.

 SikhLens Film festival is starting on August 23.The films that will be featured are divided into categories as YOUTH PRIDE will be shown at 9am-11am.This includes Sikh-centric films geared towards young kids and their families.These films are focused on promoting pride and love for Sikhi. SIKH AROUND THE WORLD will be shown between 11am-1pm.This is focused on unique and amazing talent of Sikhs around the world. MAKING A DIFFERENCE will be shown between 2pm-4pm.This category focuses on the selfless and uplifting impact of Sikhs Finally there will be a show of feature film BAHAAR(5 pm-7 pm).

sikh lens

This is a real life story through the eyes of a young Sikh depicting the dark chapter of the state-sanctiones violence in Punjab from 1984-1994. The festival will be featuring Award winning films like ‘I Run While Talking to God’,’The Lions of London’, ‘Seeking Insaaf’ and many more. You can avail pre-sale pass only for $15, while $25 at the door.The good news is that you can avail a family package for $50 only (4 passes) and is available under Pre-Sale only. For more details you can visit their website provided on this poster.