G-G0GL5SH20XSikh Siyasat to release talkshow discussing Chaar Sahibzaade Movie | Punjabup films

Sikh Siyasat to release talkshow discussing Chaar Sahibzaade Movie

Chandigarh: Animation movie ‘Chaar Sahibzaade’ received massive response from Sikh viewers globally. An update by Sikh Siyasat News (SSN)’ editor Parmjeet Singh says that Sikh Siyasat recently held a video talkshow discussing ‘Chaar Sahibzaade’ movie with Sikh Historian and intellectual S. Ajmer Singh.

Sikh Siyasat to release talkshow discussing Chaar Sahibzaade Movie

The talkshow is expected to give out reflections on various aspects related to the Chaar Sahibzaade movie. Talking to PunjabUpFilms SSN editor Advocate Parmjeet Singh said “Chaar Sahibzaade triggered unprecedented response from the Sikh masses. It was considered necessary to discuss the is unprecedented response and it’s reflections to find out how strong is it’s basis – emotionally and in principle”.

“In this talkshow S. Ajmer Singh did not only analyzed various aspects of response received by Chaar Sahibzaade movie, he also explained why Sikh Panth had barred ‘personification’ of Sikh Gurus and Guru Parivars,” said Parmjeet Singh, adding that animation movies are problematic as they tend to personify the Sikh Gurus.

“In this talkshow many vital issues were discussed” said he, adding that the episode will be released soon by Sikh Siyasat..