G-G0GL5SH20XPunjabi singer Ranjit Bawa apologises after social-media outrage over vulgar singing | Punjabup films

Punjabi singer Ranjit Bawa apologises after social-media outrage over vulgar singing

Ranjit Bawa [File Photo]
Ranjit Bawa [File Photo]

Chandigarh (May 29, 2014): Vulgarity in Punjabi songs has started to catch attention of audience and with the ‘power’ of social-media the listeners are getting their resentment noticed.

Days after the release of his new song “Narrow Salwar” Punjabi singer Ranjit Bawa was at the horns of controversy.

As a number of people started criticizing Ranjit Bawa for indulging in vulgar singing. Very strongly worded comments, posts were shared on Facebook forcing Ranjit Bawa to apologise for his ‘mistake’.