G-G0GL5SH20XPunjabi Short Movie "BEROZGAR" Official Teaser Released | Punjabup films

Punjabi Short Movie “BEROZGAR” Official Teaser Released

Chandigarh 2 march 2015: Watch the official Teaser of the latest Punjabi Short Movie 2016 “BEROZGAR”
A Film by Sangat Dhillon & Hanspal Singh.
Movie directed by Sangat Dhillon & Hanspal Singh.As its name suggested,this movie is presenting that how unemployment is becoming a far bigger factor in suicides or drug addiction .People are most driven to suicide when they view their current situation as being completely hopeless and feel as if they have no way to change things for the better.

The Writer/Director and Actor of this film Hanspal Singh says that their motive is to spread awareness among people regarding the unemployment that leads to suicidal, drug addiction thought’s among youth and debt-ridden farmers as well.

This movie is showing that being unemployed can lead to feelings of isolation and make your life feel as if it is void of purpose.As parents spend huge amount of money to make their wards an educated person but even then they did not get appropriate jobs and leads to suicidal thoughts helplessly.

Besides that this movie is also showing about the present conditions of farmers.India is an agrarian country with around 60% of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture.The main reasons for farmer suicidal are monsoon failure, high debt burdens, genetically modified crops, government policies, public mental health, personal issues and family problems.So this movie is clearly presents these conditions of Punjab.