G-G0GL5SH20XNow a Singh is bling? |By Naujawani.Com | Punjabup films

Now a Singh is bling? |By Naujawani.Com

Chandigarh 1 oct 2015: Akshay Kumar’s movie ‘Singh is Bling’ is Bollywood’s latest attempt to co-opt Sikh symbols to make money. This movie was made for the single purpose of using the Sikh pagh and Punjabi culture to ensure the film’s commercial success.

Now a Singh is bling? |By Naujawani.Com
Now a Singh is bling? |By Naujawani.Com

First, Bollywood needs to get one thing straight – Punjabiyat and Sikhi are not synonymous; you can be Punjabi and not be Sikh. So why do they insist on always confusing the two? When there’s a Hindu character that happens to be from Punjab they’ll surround that character with Sikh symbols. For example, a obviously Hindu character will have sardar relatives. When there’s a Sikh character in Indian movies they will usually be seen with some sort of Hindu paraphernalia. Sikh characters in Indian movies will have Hindu idols in their home or in a wedding scene be participating in a Hindu instead of Sikh service. Bollywood sends the covert message to viewers that Sikhs are not their own independent identity. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Sikh or Hindu Punjabi, to Bollywood you’re one and the same….More Read On Link–> Naujawani.Com