G-G0GL5SH20XMovie Review: "Uncommon Courage of The Kaur" by Green ThinkerZ | Punjabup films

Movie Review: “Uncommon Courage of The Kaur” by Green ThinkerZ

The movie is about the courage of a girl “A KAUR”. In the first part of the movie, it is shown that girls are dependent on males which we can say in the ancient India where a woman looked-for a man to protect her from each and every problem starting from her childhood to old age. But after the brainstorming between the team members (PunjabUp Films) of the movie, the concept which was shown is beautiful and encouraging. It is revealed that now girls are not dependent on anyone. They can face every problem of their life on her own. While taking into account the concept of Sikhi which teaches the girl to become independent and to show her inner power to fight against the wrong deeds which she have to face in her life is presented beautifully and It convey the message to all girls to become independent in their lives. Moreover, male young generation is taught to save their Sikhi Saroop first according to the Sikh Principles.

 Review: Uncommon Courage of KAUR

So, at the end, we appeal to all to must watch and share the movie so that the concept which was presented by the team touches masses.

Watch Movie Here:


Review By: –Team of Green ThinkerZ Society

