G-G0GL5SH20XIndian-Origin Woman Takes Son On Disneyland Trip, Then Slits His Throat | Punjabup films

Indian-Origin Woman Takes Son On Disneyland Trip, Then Slits His Throat

Indian Origin lady Saritha Ramaraju has been charged of killing his 11 year old son by slitting his throat after a three day vacation to Disneyland during a custody visit. She has also been charged with one felony enhancement of personal use of a weapon, a knife.

She will face a maximum sentence of 26 years in jail if convicted on all charges a statement from the office of the district attorney, orange county, California said Friday.

Saritha Ramaraju was staying with her son at a motyel in Santa Ana for a custody visit. She has been moved out of California after divorcing the boy’s father in 2018.

She had 3 day passes of Disneyland for herself and her son. On March 19 she was scheduled to check out and return the boy to his father but she called 911 at 9:12 am to report that she had killed her son and taken pills to kill herself.

After this Police atrrived at the motel and found the young boy dead on the bed in room. A large kitchen knife was found in motel room which was purchased day before.

“The life of a child should not hand in the balance between two parents whose anger for each other outweighs their love for their child” Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said.