G-G0GL5SH20XHealth Implications of Mobile Radiations | Punjabup films

Health Implications of Mobile Radiations

Vast Technological Advances have profoundly affected our everyday lives during the last decade. Particularly, the usage of mobile phones and many other electronic devices with high speed Wireless RF (Radio Frequency) connection have seen a tremendous growth following a hockey-stick curve, which has raised health concerns associated with RF exposure, predominantly because the mobile phone handset operates in close proximity to the human body, and also because large numbers of base station antennas are required to provide widespread availability of service to large population. Thus, we are all under the blanket of radiations either RF or Microwave. The purpose of this article is to create awareness amongst people pertaining possible health hazards which RF and microwave radiation may cause, and the urgency to take necessary precautions to avoid major public health consequences.


Since, the electromagnetic radiations are absorbed by our body; it has significant effects on the cells and tissues. Mobile phones and towers emit electromagnetic radiations which are absorbed by the human body and have hazardous health effects which can be thermal or non-thermal. Thermal effects refer to the heating up of human tissues due to absorption of radiation by the body. It is also known as SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). Non-thermal effects occur on the cells, genes and the DNA and are more harmful than thermal effects. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to headache, sleep disturbance, lack of concentration, memory loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and increased risk of brain cancer. Having mobile towers in your neighbourhood can also pose health problems like severe headache, sleep disturbance, constant body pain, memory problems, joint pains etc. The more severe health effects noted include infertility, miscarriage, neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.), heart problems and cancer.

As per DOT (Department of Telecommunication), India; following precautions should be taken into account for the protection purposes:

  • Use loudspeakers
  • Reduce excessive calling
  • Make distance from the mobile device e.g. do not keep your cell phone near your head/pillow while you sleep
  • Always check the signal intensity and don’t call when the signal is weak, because then your mobile will irradiate maximally.
  • Use text messages when possible but in limit
  • Bluetooth Headset can be used
  • Prefer landline over mobile phones if possible
  • Avoid keeping mobile phone near breast and pants pocket

Electromagnetic fields have swamped our natural environment and are showing ill-effects to not only human health but also on animals and plants. Considering mobile radio communication, we are all witnesses to the tremendous increase of the number of users, equipment and of the social, economic and security dominant impacts. It is especially true for the new 3G and 4G cellular generations where the system handset power levels and bandwidth are increased.  More efforts are needed in order to improve mobile radio communication to an efficient, secure and convenient system useful for the welfare and positive advancement of our global society.

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