G-G0GL5SH20XDistinct Reviews Of Punjabi Movie Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe By Green ThinkerZ | Punjabup films

Distinct Reviews Of Punjabi Movie Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe By Green ThinkerZ

Mohali 31 Jan 2015 :Review No. 1 | All of us must watch this movie. “EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE” is really an ultimate movie. Its’ regarding selfless service of a bhagat pooran singh ji towards orphans, mentally and physically challenged person, the ones neglected by our society. He made his patients garland of his neck. He was founder of Pingalwara where ‘pingal’ means handicapped, and ‘wara’ means home. The most touching part is motherly love towards all his patients, his respect towards female as his sister and mother and in worst circumstances how he stood for honour and dignity of patients. The adoption of moral values given by his mother, his love for the trees, preserving the environment and aversion towards polluting motor bikes and cars and his passion of writing, all these things are well presented in the movie. The character of bhagat pooran singh ji is well portrayed by Pavan Raj Malhotra and created by All Indian Pingalwara Non-profit Community.

Review No.2 |“Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe “after a long time, watched such a nice movie describes humanrism. Hats off to man “Pawan Raj Malhotra ” who explains endless and selfless effort of god’s man “Bhagat Puran Singh” through movie. I request you all to must watch the movie and genuinely, if a single tear comes from your eye, please help those people who really needs. They just need love and affection.

Review No.3 |“EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE”… I was shocked how can be a person so selfless. He did not thought of himself. He just lived for others. He was great. Yes, I am talking about BHAGAT POORAN SINGH JI, great personality. The movie is great, everyone should watch the movie so as knw about BHAGAT G.

Review No.4| Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe – Based on the life of Bhagat Pooran Singh Ji (Founder of Pingalwara) or we can say SEVAK (from the words of Bhagat Ji) of Pingalwara. He was a visionary, compassionate human being, great environmentalist, done selfless service and finally founded “Pingalwara”, Amritsar which is truly a home for destitutes and differently-abled people. If we talk about the review of movie, then it will be very difficult to explain in words, only we can say “Go and Watch the Movie”: Eh Janam Tumhare Lekhe (name of movie is itself explanation of Bhagat Ji’s Life). Scene of Pingalwara Children will make you definitely cry and make a connection with them. There are lot of scenes which will make you emotional and one will be in tears. Bhagat Ji’s life is full of different shades. He was Phillanthropist, environmentalist: a great personality who always keep on thinking about the creatures of god (living and non-living beings).
This is very difficult for me to explain more about the movie. Everyone must go and watch the movie in theatres with family.

Movie Review EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE By Green ThinkerZ
Team Green ThinkerZ After Watching Movie EH JANAM TUMHARE LEKHE

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