G-G0GL5SH20XDal Khalsa: Sikka tries to save face and skin by withdrawing Nanak Shah Fakir movie | Punjabup films

Dal Khalsa: Sikka tries to save face and skin by withdrawing Nanak Shah Fakir movie

Amritsar 21 April 2015: Giving out it’s initial reaction to withdrawal of controversial film Nanak Shah Fakir, the Dal Khalsa said that by announcing the withdrawal of the movie and surrendering before the Sikh Nation, the producer Harinder Singh Sikka has tried to save face and skin.

Dal Khalsa spokesperson Kanwar Pal SIngh said wisdom has dawned on the film-maker though a little too late. He will have to repent and pay for hurting the sentiments of the Sikhs and not listening to umteen calls of reason.

“This is also a slap on the sleeping government of India and the film censor board that cleared the movie ignoring the blasphemous features of the said movie”, he added.

Earlier today: Breaking News: Harinder Sikka withdraws controversial movie Nanak Shah Fakir