G-G0GL5SH20XAuditions for a sikh historical film in Chandigarh | Punjabup films

Auditions for a sikh historical film in Chandigarh

Auditions for a Sikh historical film at Chandigarh (27 july 2104)

film Auditions

This is an attempt to aware people of this universe about some great martyrs of Sikh history during 18th century through cinema as cinema is the best way to express anything nowadays.
— characters of all ages needed.
— Leading roles for male contestants.
— Film Depicting dreath taking valor from the annals of sikh history during 18th century.
— Artist comprising main lead and from all ages (supporting cast) will be finalized from auditions only.
–Interested artists are welcomed in auditions though freshers can also try.
— Film will be going shortly on floor.
there will be first come first serve system. The artist who come first will act first. Artist will be given dialogues and time to prepare them. The artist have perform in front of camera and judges.
Other talents like singers, fashion designers are also welcomed.
This is Sikh historical film so ‘Singhs’ who play Gatka well and know horse riding are required.


This film will be produced under Shamsheer  Production.
Director – Jaskirat Singh
Producer- Taranjeet Singh (Canada)
Writer and Screenplay – Arjan Singh
DOP – Daas Sarbjeet Singh
Media Partner – PunjabUp Films
Note – there will be arrangement of lunch for all participatents.
Venue : Gurdwara sahib, sec 22 Chd.
Auditions will start at 9:00 AM Sharp/27  july 2014