Moga 1 May 2015: Last Days a 14-year-old died on the road, having been thrown off a moving bus, the grisly details of her last few minutes are emerging. She tried with her mother to escape the men on board who wanted to molest her; the crew of the bus joined in the stalking; nobody came to their rescue.

Now a 23 year old girl was gang raped last night. 8 youths were involved in the gang-rape at Marhi Mustafa village near Moga.The girl had gone to her friend’s house at the village with a male friend and decided to stay there overnight. But things turned ugly after the girl’s husband arrived home with 8 of his friend’s who then beat up the girl’s friend.
The girl was taken to a tube-well room on the out skirts of the village where the girl was brutally gang raped. The girl was found abandoned in the morning by villagers. The 2 victims where taken tot he hospital and undergoing medical treatment.The police has started an investigation into the matter.
Moga Orbit Bus Case: “No one helped. They first pushed my daughter off the bus, then me,” said the girl’s 38-year-old mother. She alleged that when she pleaded with the driver to stop the bus, he drove even faster.
The teen died on the road. Her mother is now in hospital with serious injuries.
With the teen was her younger brother, just 10 years old. He was dropped off a little distance away from where the women had been dumped.
“A Himalayan blunder has happened. A great sin,” said Mr Badal, who heads a coalition government with the BJP. “It could have happened on any bus…no matter who the bus belongs to, I’m very sad that such a thing has happened.”