G-G0GL5SH20XRana Ranbir is not only a good actor but also a fabulous human being | Punjabup films

Rana Ranbir is not only a good actor but also a fabulous human being

As long as I become conscious in my life, I am enjoying the acting or Rana Ranbir.he used to become my guider in my life.he is not only a good actor but also a fabulous human being.his passion for acting is seen in very few artists.but now you can also see his this passion in theater also.he is just emerged as ‘Rana Ranbir’ after a long period of time.his plap ‘kheta de putt’ is getting popularity all around.

rana ranbir

he is both actor and writer of ths play which is based on the poetry by eminent poet ‘Avtar Pash’.after watching this play words will spontaneously occur fom everyone’s mouth that”rana has taken birth for acting only”.perhaps he will be nothing in his life if he does not an actor.next presentation of this play will be on 5 august in the art galary of Punjabi university Patiala.soon this play will be played in every corner of both Punjab and country. May this love and affection of Rana with theater continue.

By :- Sapan Manchanda